We work with a number of Councils and Contracting Authorities to provide home to school and other transport services.
About Our Service
We aim to provide a service that is safe, secure, appropriate and reliable.
All our drivers and passenger assistants are fully vetted and enhanced DBS checked. We provide a range of training for our crews including First Aid and Safeguarding, and regularly monitor performance to ensure that the highest standards are being maintained at all times.
For Parents/Carers
• If there are any reasonable adjustments that we can make to ensure a comfortable journey for your child, please let us know.
• Also, please let us know if your Child’s needs change at any time.
• You are responsible for taking your child to and collecting from the vehicle safely and on time.
• Please ensure that your child is ready at the agreed pick-up time. Crews cannot wait more than 3 minutes.
• You must ensure that you or another responsible adult is at the home address to receive your child in the afternoon. Even if they have their own key, you should still make yourself known to the crew (a wave from a window for example).
• If your Child is deemed a responsible keyholder and does not require an adult to be at home after school, you should inform the Council so that they can authorise this with us in writing.
• Please work with us and the Council’s transport service to ensure that children behave when travelling. Staff and children are entitled to have safe and appropriate transport without fear of verbal or physical abuse.
• All passengers should treat each other with respect. Unacceptable behaviour may result in a report being made to your Council who may invoke a temporary or permanent withdrawal of the transport provision.
• We cannot consider any requests for changes made from Parents/Carers – Please contact your Council to request any changes and once we receive authorisation from them we will do our best to accommodate.
Travelling in our Vehicles
• No food or drink should be consumed in our vehicles without prior authorisation
• Wear your seatbelt and follow the Crew’s instructions at all times
• Don’t distract the Driver or other Road Users.
• Be Respectful to others – bullying, verbal or physical abuse and discrimination will not be tolerated and you may be reported to the Council.
• Don’t film, record or behave in a way which makes others feel uncomfortable.
• We are unable to administer any medication unless written Authorisation has been given by the Council. If your child medical needs then please contact your Council in the first instance.
Absences / Contacting Us:
If for any reason your Child is not attending on a particular day it would be helpful if you could advise us by calling our operations centre on 0203 865 7072 or drop an email to operations@terago.uk
Complaints & Feedback:
If you have any concerns regarding the service at any time please contact us directly on 0203 865 7072 or drop an email to operations@terago.uk and we will give the matter immediate attention.
Please feel free to raise any concerns with us at any time.
We appreciate your feedback at any time – please complete the short feedback form at: https://terago.uk/feedback/